Accidents happen to all of us, and it’s good to know what to do in those situations. If someone crashes into the back of your car, you usually call the police and report the incident to your insurance company. If you hurt your finger badly while performing household repairs, you may end up taking a trip to the emergency room. But what is a dental emergency, and how do you handle those situations? The faster you get in to see a dentist, the more you increase your chances of possibly saving your teeth. If you have a dental emergency and don’t have a regular dentist, contact the experts at Lovett Dental Vintage Park today by calling our team at 832-843-6776
Knocking Out a Tooth
The traumatic loss of a tooth is an example of a dental emergency? It could happen if you accidentally fall or find yourself on the wrong end of a swinging door. What if the incident occurs when your regular dentist is not in the office or doesn’t have appointments available? Or maybe it’s been a while since you’ve had dental services, so you have no idea who to call.
Here are a few steps you can take while you figure out how to handle your dental emergency.
- Pick the tooth up by the top, making sure to leave the roots alone.
- Clean the tooth by rinsing it off gently in a sink or other water source.
- Try carefully placing the tooth back in its socket. Hold it in place while trying to bite down.
- If it’s impossible to put the tooth back in place, place it in a small container, preferably filled with milk.
Once you’ve taken care of the tooth, please contact your dentist immediately. They may be able to put the tooth back into place so that you can keep your beautiful smile.
Cracking a Tooth
Chipping or cracking a tooth that doesn’t cause you pain doesn’t necessarily qualify as a dental emergency. You may be ok waiting until you can see your dentist during a regular appointment. It’s a different story if the tooth ends up cracked or fractured. The potential damage to the inside of the tooth would make this a significant problem.
Try doing the following if you end up with a cracked or fractured tooth.
- Use warm water to clean your mouth gently.
- Apply a cold compress to relieve any visible swelling.
- Avoid using topical painkillers like Orajel since it can burn the gum tissue.
If you contact your dentist, dental bonding may be able to fix the tooth promptly.
Pain or Tissue Injury
Another potential dental emergency is extreme pain from an injury. If you’re dealing with a wound or laceration around your mouth and cheek, clean them with warm water. Handle any bleeding by placing pressure on the area using gauze. In the short term, you can manage the pain by taking over-the-counter medications. However, it is essential to contact your dental professionals to make sure that you get an appointment. Several conditions may cause dental pain, including:
- Tooth decay
- Dental abscess
- Damaged filling
- Gum infections
- Loose crowns
Many of these dental problems are not true dental emergencies. However, without treatment, they can lead to more severe problems.
Dealing With a Dental Emergency at Lovett Dental Vintage Park
The above are just a few situations that qualify as answers to the question, “What is a dental emergency?” You don’t want to risk permanent damage to your tooth, but sometimes it’s not possible to see your regular dentist, especially if the dental emergency crops up at night or during the weekend.
Lovett Dental Vintage Park offers emergency dental treatment for clients in and around the Houston area. Our team also provides a variety of other services, including:
If you are dealing with a dental emergency, it’s essential to get help as soon as possible. Call Lovett Dental Vintage Park at 832-843-6776 if you or a family member find yourself needing emergency dental services. You can have your smile back to normal in just a few hours.